Providing Excellent Graduate Medical Education - It's What We Do
1001 Hoffman St. Elmira NY, 14905
Tel: (607) 442-1713

Family Medicine

Program Highlights:
Personal development (CME) funds provided.
ACLS/PALS/ATLS training and certification (or recertification) provided.
Rural Residency Track - Keuka Family Practice
We participate in the NRMP Match program
Qualifications for an interview are as follows:
Comlex 1&2 completed : 500
PE & CS : Pass
4 Years or less from Medical school Graduation Date
IMG’s must have green card or be a US citizen
IMG's out of school more than 3 years must have USMLE 1, 2 and 3 all passing on the first attempt
Please apply through ERAS

A Welcome from the Program Director:
Dear Family Medicine Resident:
Welcome to the ArnotHealth Family Medicine Residency Program! Your hard work has paid off, and you now have letters after your name. Congrats! Now the real work begins. Our goal is to equip you to take excellent care of all the patients you encounter throughout your career in medicine. As your Program Director, it is my hope that the program inspires you to be just a little bit better every day than you were the day before, not only during your tenure here, but for the rest of your life. And not just in medicine – this will hopefully carry over into all areas of your life.
Family Medicine is a rewarding specialty. You will be the “first line of defense” for patients entering the medical system. You will get to take care of entire families, and get to know all of them, along with all the relationships, quirks, etc.
You will also be the “gatekeeper,” keeping track of all the data coming in from other providers, and help your patients and their families keep it all straight. You will become their friend, counselor, advisor and peer. This is a great privilege and one I hope you’ll embrace as you embark on your career.
Residency isn’t easy. You will work hard, and it can be taxing, both physically and emotionally. There will be times when you will be discouraged and wondering if you did, indeed, make the right choice. The faculty and I will be here for you to help you through it. Just ask us. When you finish, I think you’ll find it was worth the sweat, tears and effort. So – let’s get started, and learn and grow together…
- Timothy Baxter, M.D., FAAFP

Rural Residency Track
Keuka Family Practice
Keuka Family Practice is a group of family practice specialists whose goal is to provide the best, comprehensive healthcare in a family centered, team approach. We strive to provide friendly, cost effective, timely, courteous service to all our patients, their families and all sho come in contact with our practice. To this end, we have assembled a team of individuals who take pride and enjoy providing friendly, professional service to our patients.
Keuka Family Practice
is just a short drive to Hammondsport,NY, home of the
Finger lakes Wine Trail, best known for award -winning wines recently voted top wine region in the United States.
The Glenn H. Curtiss Museum, which spotlights early aviation.
Finger Lakes Boating Museum housing more than 160 boats on three floors.
Pleasant Valley Wine Company, the oldest winery in the Finger lakes region.
The beautiful Keuka Lake one of the major Finger Lakes in Upstate New York.

Family Medicine Faculty

Timothy N. Baxter, M.D., FAAFP
Program Director
Medical Education: SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse, Syracuse. New York
Residency: Family Practice Residency St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center, Syracuse, NY

Donald Foster, DO
Associate Program Director, Outpatient Services
Medical Education: Oklahoma State University
Residency: Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira New York-Family Medicine

Charles Badger, MD
Associate Program Director, Inpatient Services
Medical Education: SUNY Upstate Medical University College of Medicine, Syracuse, NY
Residency: United Health Services, Johnson City, NY

Abdelkader Mallouk, MD
Medical Education: University of Health Sciences, Antigua
Doctor of Optometry, New England College of Optometry, Boston, Massachusetts

Joseph Mathey, MD, FAAFP, MACOEM
Medical School: University of Missouri-Columbia
Residency: Family Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia

Richard R. Terry, D.O., MBA, FAAFP, FACOFP
Medical Education: New York College of Osteopathic Medicine of NYIT, Old Westbury, New York
Residency: Rotating Internship-Interfaith Medical Center, Brooklyn, New York
Family Medicine Residency -University of Rochester/Highland, Rochester, New York

Megan Westervelt, D.O.
Medical Education: New York College of Osteopathic Medicine of NYIT, Old Westbury, New York
Residency: Wilson Medical Center, Johnson City, New York

Sean A. Stryker, MD, FAAFP
Medical Education: State University of New York Health Sciences Center at Syracuse, Syracuse, New York
Residency: St. Margaret Memorial Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

John Weston, D.O. - Specializes in Musculoskeletal Medicine
Medical Education: NYCOM Old Westbury, New York
Residency: Rotating Internship-Crouse Hospital Lafayette Family Medicine Residency, Syracuse, New York
Wilson Memorial Regional Hospital/UHS Family Medicine Residency, Johnson City, New York

Dennis O'Connor, M.D.
Medical Education: Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
Residency: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

Werner Brammer, MD
Medical Education: John A. Burns School of Medicine-University Of Hawaii
Residency: Latrobe Area Hospital, Latrobe, Pennsylvania

Maxim Bleicher, DO
Medical Education: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, Harlem, New York
Residencies/Internships: Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira, New York

Lewis Cabibi, DO
Medical Education: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, PA
Residency: Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira New York-Family Medicine

Catherine Conway, DO
Certification: The American Board of Obesity Medicine and the American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians
Medical Education: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, PA
Residencies/Internships: Heritage Valley Family Medicine, Beaver, PA

Curtis Cranmer, MD
Medical Education: SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse, New York
Residency: Charles S. Wilson Memorial Hospital, Johnson City, New York
Family Medicine Residents

The Arnot Health Family Medicine Residency Program offers excellent training experience for those interested in primary care in rural and urban settings. We have a wonderful Primary Care Rural Track. Residents will be exposed to a broad array of practices.
Academic credit is based on a 12-block year with a reasonable call schedule and rotations in nearly every medical specialty.
PGY-1: First Year Rotations
3 Inpatient Adult Medicine
2 Inpatient Pediatric Medicine
1 Emergency Medicine
2 Obstetrics
1 ICU/Pulmonary Medicine
1 General Surgery
1 Outpatient
1 Orientation Block
*Block 1 will be a hybrid orientation for inpatient medicine and your outpatient clinic.
Continuity Clinic: 8 hours per week.
One week of each inpatient medicine block will include night float.
PGY-2: Second Year Rotations
3 Inpatient Adult Medicine/Senior
2 Inpatient Pediatric Medicine/ Senior
1 WIC/Urgent Care
1 Outpatient
1 Outpatient Pediatrics
3 Medical Selectives*
*Medical Selectives will be Dermatology, Cardiology and Addiction.
Continuity Clinic: 16 hours per week – may change based on rotation.
One week of each inpatient medicine block will include night float.
PGY-3: Third Year Rotations
1 JA Inpatient
1 WIC or Outpatient
1 Community Medicine
1 Radiology
1 Podiatry/Wound Care
1 Geriatrics
1 Orthopedics/Sports Medicine
2 Outpatient
3 Electives*
*Electives will be based on academic standing and current completed rotations.
Continuity Clinic: 12 hours per week – may change based on rotation.
One away elective – must be approved by PD and DIO.
Women’s Health
Hospice/Palliative Care
Pain Management
Methadone Clinic
Sports Medicine
Inpatient Pediatrics University of Rochester