Providing Excellent Graduate Medical Education - It's What We Do
1001 Hoffman St. Elmira NY, 14905
Tel: (607) 442-1713

Internal Medicine

Program Highlights:
The Internal Medicine Residency program offers 10 categorical positions per match season.
IM applicant criteria includes:
Comlex 1 & 2 score: 475
Comlex PE: Pass
USMLE 1: 210
USMLE 2: 230
3 Letters of recommendation
Graduated medical school within the last 3 years
IMG’s must have green card or be a US citizen
IMG's out of school more than 3 years must have USMLE 1, 2 and 3 all passing on the first attempt
Please apply through ERAS
A Welcome from the Program Director:
Dear Internal Medicine Resident Candidate:
The internal medicine residency program here at the Arnot Ogden Medical Center is a relatively new (we just graduated our seventh PGY-3 class), ACGME accredited training program whose identity as a community hospital-based categorical internal medicine residency is a source of unconcealed pride. Our program continues in its evolution to one that can prepare residents for all of the career paths in internal medicine including, general internal medicine, competitive candidacy for subspecialty training, career hospitalist, nocturnist and extensivist. Our current program numbers a total of thirty residents, 10 in each of the three post-graduate years. Our inpatient medicine attending physicians are a select group recruited from the general internal medicine section or the hospital medicine division and round daily with the medical teams.

We have crafted a fairly structured day for residents on the inpatient rotation to insure that education supplements patient care at the bedside. All of the major medical subspecialties are represented in our hospital staff and teaching faculty; electives are available in all. Of course, there are required rotations in the intensive care unit, emergency department (PGY-2), and community medicine. We have allowed for considerably more latitude in the PGY-3 year to allow the resident to focus on a direction toward general internal medicine, hospital medicine, subspecialty (fellowship) preparation or extensivist medicine. We are also quite excited by our developing affiliation with the University of Rochester Medical School and hospitals. We now have access to their weekly Medical Grand Rounds presentations to enrich our own schedule. Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that our resident continuity clinic has undergone major restructuring. Resident clinic will now occur in one week blocks during which time the resident will only have responsibility for outpatient clinic matters. In other words, our residents will no longer be pulled from inpatient medicine for half a day of outpatient medicine weekly for three years but now will have weekly blocks of outpatient medicine that follow the inpatient rotation allowing for transitional care, post-hospitalization follow-up and medication reconciliation. By design, these tasks appropriately fall upon the resident involved in the patient’s care while the patient was hospitalized. Our community medicine rotation even allows for follow-up of patients who fail to show up for their post-hospitalization visit. This is an ideal time to be in an exciting, dynamic internal medicine training program. We welcome your interest and look forward to your application and interview.
Daniel Chin MD
Welcome to Arnot Ogden Medical Center Program in Internal Medicine!
Internal Medicine Faculty

Daniel Chin, MD
Program Director
Medical Education:
Ross University school of Medicine, North Brunswick, NJ
Wilson Medical Center, Johnson City, NY

Louis Riley, MD , FACP, FASN-Associate Program Director
Medical Education:
Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts
Internal Medicine Newton -Wellesley Hospital, Newton, Massachusetts
Renal Electrolyte Section Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Asad Nasir, MD
Medical Education:
University of Punjab, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Reading Hospital & Medical Center, PA
Pulmonary, Critical Care Fellowship at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY

Aleksander J. Rupik, MD
Medical Education:
University Tech De Santiago, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Internal Medicine - The Jamaica Hospital, Jamaica, New York

Michelle Malnoske, MD
Medical Education:
Penn State University, Hershey, PA
Internal Medicine Residency at University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Pulmonary/ Critical Care Fellowship from University of Rochester /Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY

Ibrahim Katerji, MD
Medical Education:
University of Aleppo, Aleppo Syria
Internal Medicine Residency at UIC/Advocate Christ Medical Center, Oak Lawn, IL
Nephrology Fellowship at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences/ University of Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Clifton Snellgrove, D.O.
Medical Education:
William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Internal Medicine Elmira New York

James DeAngelis, MD
Medical Education:
M.D., St. George's University School of Medicine
Chief Resident, Arnot Ogden Medical Center, Elmira, NY
Internal Medicine Residents
PGY-1: First Year Rotation
6 Floor Medicine
1 Critical Care
1 Night Float
1 Cardio
1 GI
1 ID
2 Electives
PGY-2: Second Year Rotations
5 Floor Medicine
1 Critical Care
1 Night Float
1 Neuro
1 Nephro
4 Electives
PGY-3: Third Year Rotations
3 Floor Medicine
1 Critical Care
1 Night Float
1 Endo
1 Pulm
1 Rheum
1 Geri
1 Heme/Onc
2 Electives
1 Research
Residents participate in morning report, attending rounds, morbidity and mortality report, clinical pathologic conferences, monthly journal club and weekly medicine dictations and grand rounds.