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ArnotHealth Research / QI Portal

Welcome to the Arnot GME and LECOM Research Portal

This site provides you with the necessary forms to begin the development of your research or QI project and gives contact information for our research coordinators. You will also find an instruction sheet for getting your CITI training certificate, a downloadable consent form for release of medical information &/or images, as well as a list of current projects being conducted at our institution, along with links to useful resources. We wish you the best of luck in your scholarly endeavors and welcome ideas for making this area more useful. 

Miriam S. Teixeira, MD, PhD

GME Research Director

Definition of Acronyms

SRB (Arnot System Review Board & Privacy Committee)

i. Led by Dr. James Freeman and Cathy Matthey, RN, Chief of Compliance,

this committee reviews and approves all research and QI studies at Arnot 

with regard to patient confidentiality and privacy.


IRB (Institutional Review Board)

i. The IRB is a federally mandated institutional body that must review and

approve all human subject research. At Arnot, we use the LECOMT (Lake

Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine) IRB, which is chaired by Dr. Irv

Freeman at LECOME – Erie.

RSG (Arnot Research Steering Group)

i. The Arnot RSG keeps track of all the projects, assigns research

coordinators to projects, helps in project development, assists investigators

in obtaining biostatistical assistance, and coordinates and ensures that all

projects receive appropriate review and approval by the IRB and SRB.

The RSG can issue IRB exemption letters. It is currently chaired by Dr.

Frank Edwards.

CITI Training (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative)

i. CITI training is required for all individuals participating in human subject

research (retrospective or prospective).

ii. It is completed online, requires several hours, and needs to be renewed

every 3 years. (See link to CITI training on the GME website)

Arnot Health GME Research Staff (2024-2025)


Miriam S. Teixeira, MD, PhD

GME Research Director

Khizran Agha, MBBS.jpg

Khizran Agha, MBBS

GME Research Coordinator

Ghulam Humayun, MBBS.jpg

Ghulam Humayun, MBBS

GME Research Coordinator

Rodrick Caoxum, MD.jpg

Rodrick Caoxum, MD

GME Research Coordinator

© 2023 by ArnotHealth Graduate Medical Education.

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